Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cleaning the Creek

EcoFront is excited to be partners in the city-wide creek cleanup. We are in charge of an area behind the Abouresk Law Office to the bridge by McDonald's on West Main Street. A few weeks ago, FourFront employees cleaned both sides of the creek (it took us two different days since we ran out of trash bags the first time).

The day we chose to clean the creek was the Friday of Trash Week of our Lessen Impact Challenge. Here is a picture of those that showed up (Brittany took the picture). 

Wade, Steve, and Bernie

Curt, Garry, Erik, Brittany and friend Mendi, and Bernie helped the first trip. We picked up 10 bags of garbage that ranged from diapers to bicycles and rims, pizza boxes, a ball, cups, bottles and a lot more. It was one of those days we were glad to be wearing gloves. In the picture is the bike we found and me with my pitch fork that we used to get garbage out of the tall grass and the water. The bike was given to Cranky Jeff and he was going to fix it up and give it to a kid that needs a bike.


P.S. Stay tuned for a post from the grand prize winner of the Lessen Impact Challenge!

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